Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama recently spoke to 20,000 people in the Saddledome in Calgary. I was one of the many fortunate people to hear his teaching that day. The topic was peace through compassion and the focus was on the youth of today or as he called them the “seeds” for future peace and compassion. He referred to himself as the simple monk. According to him he is no different than any one of the people in the building or the world. He said we must see beyond social standing and fortune and that we should treat one another as equals. This is the only way towards living in a world of peace. No one better, worse of more deserving. One nation.

The Dalai Lama told that a lack of fighting is not peace but a lack of war. As long as we have weapons to destroy one another it makes no difference whether we use them, there is intent. We will only have achieve true peace when we can coexist and not try to take from others because we feel we are more deserving. Violence will never be the answer.

He spoke of secular ethics which are separate from religion. Compassion and affection are human values that we all naturally have and they are not taught to us through any vehicles of religion. We can all act in a compassionate manner and we should not wish ill on others.

These are some of the words he spoke but there is something more to be said about being in the midst of this person. His laughter was contagious. He enjoys making people laugh, this was obvious. His message of compassion was moving. He spoke directly to the youth sitting in front of him with caring and concern. His message is simple ”Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive”. Lets all be his students.

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